Guide Hunter Survival Pvp Cataclysm 4.3.4
Hunter merupakan pemburu yang sanggup memiliki lebih dari 3 hewan. Mereka yaitu pelacak, pemburu yg sanggup menjinakkan serta melatih hewan-hewan yang ditemukan di alam liar.
Hunter Talents and Glyph
Explosive Shot
Kill Shot
Arcane Shot
Major Glyph
Master's Call
Minor Glyph
Feign Death
Revive Pet
Scare Beast
Gems, Reforge and Enchants
#1. Gems
- Meta Socket = +54 Agility and 3% Increased Critical Effect
- Red Socket = Delicate Queens Garnet (+50 Agility)
- Yellow Socket = Adept Lava Coral (+25 Agility and +25 Mastery Rating)
- Blue Socket = Glinting Shadow Spinel (+25 Agility and +25 Hit Rating)
Bisa juga menggunakan Spell penetration di socket biru. "Kan itu survival?" Coba aja...
#2. Reforge
1. Agility
2. Hit cap 5%
3. Mastery Rating
3. Mastery Rating
4. Critical Strike Rating
5. Haste
Cobalah spell penetration hingga 195
#3. Enchants
- Head = +60 Agility and 35 Haste
- Shoulders = +50 Agility and +25 Mastery Rating
- Cloak = 65 Critical Strike Rating / Spell Penetration
- Chest = 40 Resilence Rating
- Bracer = 50 Agility
- Weapon = 130 Agility / Pyrium
- Crossbow = Flintlocke's Woodchucker
- Feet = 50 Mastery Rating
- Legs = +190 Attack Power and +55 Critical Strike Rating
- Waist = Ebonsteel Betl Buckle
- Gloves = 65 Mastery Rating
Hunter Rotation and Macros
Berlari sambil memainkan cobra shot dan dikala jarak dengan musuh agak renggang manfaatkan talent one with nature dengan menembak arcane shot kepada musuh
#Showtooltip cobra shot
/castsequence reset=1 !aspect of the fox, null
/cancelaura deterrence
/cast Cobra Shot
#showtooltip arcane shot
/castsequence reset=1 !aspect of the hawk, null
/cancelaura hand of protection
/cast arcane shot
Macro 4 Fungsi. Revive, Heal, Dismiss dan Call
/cast [nomod,nopet]call pet 5
/cast [nomod,@pet,dead]revive pet
/cast [nomod,@pet,button:1]mend pet
/cast [nomod,@pet,button:2]dismiss pet
> Sebelum casting scare beast ke bear (druid) pastikan sudah menggunakan deterrence. Hal ini berkhasiat semoga casting tidak fail. Itu jikalau druidnya pintar.. kalo nggak.. cukup pakai scare beast tanpa deterrence
> Sesering mungkin menggunakan flare dan snake trap semoga mematikan langkah rogue
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