Wow Tailoring Leveling Guide Cataclysm
Tailoring leveling guide ini akan membuatmu begitu cepat dan sangat gampang dalam menaikkan professi tailoringmu dari tingkat 1 hingga tingkat 525 tepatnya hingga Cataclysm.
Jangan pernah membeli bahan-bahan di Auction House. Berusahalah sedikit. Carilah banyak sekali panduan farming bahan-bahan untuk menaikkan enchantingmu. Ada begitu banyak sites yg membahas perihal World of Warcraft.
Professi Tailoring sangat mendukung professi enchanting. Karena keseluruhan proses saat menaikkan tailoring ialah menciptakan item yg dapat kau disenchant yg bahannya dapat kau jadikan untuk menaikkan enchanting.
Jika kau ingin menaikkan tailoring bersama dengan enchanting. Maka Enchanting Leveling Guide Cataclysm ini akan benar-benar memandumu.
Apprentice 1 - 75
Journeymant 75 - 150
Expert 135 - 225
Artisan 200 - 300
Master Trainer 280 - 375
Grand Master 350 - 450
Illustrious Grand Master 450 - 525
Bahan-bahan yg diharapkan untuk 1-525 (Cataclysm)
Ini bahan-bahan yg harus disiapkan sebelum memulai professi tailoring. Lengkap hingga membeli seluruh resep yg dijual di Tailoring Supplies.
Cek Netherweave Cloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farm Netherweave
Jangan pernah membeli bahan-bahan di Auction House. Berusahalah sedikit. Carilah banyak sekali panduan farming bahan-bahan untuk menaikkan enchantingmu. Ada begitu banyak sites yg membahas perihal World of Warcraft.
Professi Tailoring sangat mendukung professi enchanting. Karena keseluruhan proses saat menaikkan tailoring ialah menciptakan item yg dapat kau disenchant yg bahannya dapat kau jadikan untuk menaikkan enchanting.
Jika kau ingin menaikkan tailoring bersama dengan enchanting. Maka Enchanting Leveling Guide Cataclysm ini akan benar-benar memandumu.
Apprentice 1 - 75
Journeymant 75 - 150
Expert 135 - 225
Artisan 200 - 300
Master Trainer 280 - 375
Grand Master 350 - 450
Illustrious Grand Master 450 - 525
Bahan-bahan yg diharapkan untuk 1-525 (Cataclysm)
Ini bahan-bahan yg harus disiapkan sebelum memulai professi tailoring. Lengkap hingga membeli seluruh resep yg dijual di Tailoring Supplies.
- 20 x Knothide Leather
- 28 x Infinite Dust
- 95 x Volatile Fire
- 65 x Volatile Water
- 60 x Volatile Air
- 30 x Volatile Life
- 30 x Volatile Earth
- 20 x Eternal Shadow
Ini dibentuk sesuai perhitungan aku saat menaikkan tailoring. Jika ada kesalahan harap memberitahu saya.
- 236 x Linen Cloth
- 135 x Wool Cloth
- 652 x Silk Cloth
- 444 x Mageweave Cloth
- 724 x Runecloth
- 750 x Netherweave Cloth
- 1215 x Frostweave Cloth
- 2315 x Embersilk Cloth
Tailoring Leveling Guide 1 - 75
Cek Linen Cloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farm Linen Cloth
- 1 - 45
118 x [Bolt of Linen Cloth] - 236 Linen Cloth
- 45 - 70
26 x [Heavy Linen Gloves] - 52 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 26 Coarse Thread
Jangan menciptakan Linen Belt, alasannya ialah Heavy Linen Cloth dapat kau disenchant dan kau jual.
Learn Journeyman Tailor
75 - 150
- 70 - 75
5 x [Reinforced Linen Cape] - 10 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 15 Coarse Thread
Cek Wool Cloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farm Wool Cloth
- 75 - 100
45 x [Bolt of Woolen Cloth] - 135 Wool Cloth
- 100 - 110
14 x [Simple Kit] - 56 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 14 Fine Thread
- 110 - 125
15 x [Double-stiched Woolen Shoulders] - 45 Bolt of Woolen Cloth, 30 Fine Thread
Learn Expert Tailor
125 - 225
Cek Silk Cloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farm Silk Cloth
- 125 - 145
163 x [Bolt of Silk Cloth] - 652 Silk Cloth
- 145 - 160
19 x [Azure Silk Hood] - 38 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 38 Blue Dye, 19 Fine Thread
- 160 - 170
10 x [Silk Headband] - 30 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 20 Fine Thread
- 170 - 175
5 x [Formal White Shirt] - 15 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 10 Bleach, 5 Fine Thread
Cek Mageweave Cloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farming mageweave cloth
- 175 - 185
106 x [Bolt of Mageweave Cloth] - 424 Mageweave Cloth
- 185 - 200
15 x [Crimson Silk Vest] - 60 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 30 Red Dye, 30 Fine Thread
Learn Artisan Tailor
200 - 300
- 200 - 205
5 x [Crimsoon Silk Pantaloons] - 20 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 10 Red Dye, 10 Silken Thread
- 205 - 215
10 x [Black Mageweave Leggings] - 20 Bolt of Mageweave, 30 Silken Thread
- 215 - 220
5 x [Orange Mageweave Shirt] - 5 Bolt of Mageweave Cloth, 5 Orange Dye, 5 Heavy Silken Thread
- 220 - 230
10 x [Black Mageweave Cloth] - 20 Bolt of Mageweave, 20 Heavy Silken Thread
- 230 - 250
22 x [Black Mageweave Headband] - 65 Bolt of Mageweave
- 250 - 260
181 x [Bolt of Runecloth] - 724 Runecloth
Cek Runecloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farm Runecloth
- 260 - 280
22 x [Runecloth Belt] - 66 Bolt of Runecloth, 22 Rune Thread
Learn Master Trainer
280 - 375
- 280 - 295
17 x [Runecloth Gloves] - 85 Bolt of Runecloth
- 295 - 300
5 x [Runecloth Headband] - 30 Bolt of Runecloth
- 300 - 325
150 x [Bolt of Netherweave] - 750 Netherweave Cloth
- 325 - 330
7 x [Netherweave Bag] - 28 Bolts of Netherweave, 5 Rune Thread
- 330 - 335
5 x [Netherweave Pants] - 30 Bolts of Netherweave, 5 Rune Thread
- 335 - 345
10 x [Netherweave Boots] - 60 Bolts of Netherweave, 20 Knothide Leather, 5 Rune Thread
- 345 - 350
5 x [Netherweave Tunic] - 40 Bolts of Netherweave,
Resepnya dijual sama NPC berjulukan Eiin yg berada di Shattrath.
Learn Grand Master Tailor
350 - 450
Cek Frostweave Cloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farm Frostweave Cloth.
- 350 - 375
243 x [Bolt of Frostweave] - 1215 Frostweave Cloth
- 375 - 380
5 x [Frostwoven Belt] - 15 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
- 380 - 385
5 x [Frostwoven Boots] - 20 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
- 385 - 395
12 x [Frostwoven Leggings] - 60 Bolt of Frostweave, 12 Eternium Thread
- 395 - 400
5 x [Duskweave Belt] - 35 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
- 400 - 405
14 x [Bolt of Imbued Frostweave] - 28 Bolt of Frostweave, 28 Infinite Dust
Simpan itu, jangan dibuang. Kamu akan membutuhkan itu nanti.
- 405 - 410
5 x [Duskweave Wristwraps] - 40 Bolt of Frostweave
- 410 - 415
5 x [Duskweave Gloves] - 45 Bolt of Frostweave
- 415 - 425
Buatlah 10 kali diantara pilihan-pilihan berikut ini, apa saja.
[Ebonweave], [Moonshroud], [Spellweave] - 10 Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 20 Eternal Life, Fire atau Shadow
Learn Illustrious Grand Master
450 - 525
- 425 - 450
463 x [Bolt of Embersilk Cloth] - 2315 Embersilk Cloth
Cek Embersilk Cloth Farming Guide jikalau kau menginginkan daerah terbaik untuk farm Embersilk Cloth.
- 450 - 455
5 x [Deathsilk Belt] - 10 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
- 455 - 460
5 x [Deathsilk Shoulder] - 15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
- 460 - 465
5 x [Deathsilk Leggings] - 15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
- 465 - 470
5 x [Deathsilk Cowl] - 15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
- 470 - 475
5 x [Spiritmend Bracers] - 20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
- 475 - 480
5 x [Spiritmend Boots] - 20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
- 480 - 485
5 x [Spiritmend Gloves] - 20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
- 485 - 500
15 x [spiritmend Robe] - 90 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 30 Eternium Thread
- 500 - 505
5 x [Vicious Fireweave Bracers] - 30 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 15 Volatile Fire, 15 Volatile Air
- 505 - 510
5 x [Vicious Embersilk Shoulders] - 30 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 15 Volatile Water, 15 Volatile Fire
- 510 - 515
5 x [Vicious Fireweave Belt] - 30 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 15 Volatile Fire, 15 Volatile Air
- 515 - 520
Buatlah 5 Dreams, Azhara, Deepholm, Hyjal, Ragnaros, dan Skywall - 40 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 30 Volatile Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Like
- 520 - 525
5 x [Vicious Embersilk Boots] - 50 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 20 Volatile Fire, 20 Volatile Water
Belilah semua resep yg dijual dengan 8 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth.